Grants & Fundraising   /   2023-2024 Grants, Los Angeles RFP, Shared Identity
Shades of Belonging

Shades of Belonging is a research project dedicated to better understanding the perspectives and lived experiences of Jewish Adoptees of Color. This research has demonstrated the need for community-building efforts that create intentional spaces to lift up and celebrate the voices and experiences of JoCs, particularly JoC adoptees. The findings of this research project were shared at a community gathering at the Skirball Cultural Center. The celebration included fine art exhibits from three different JoC/JoC adoptee artists, a film screening of an animated short created by a JoC director, a theater performance grounded in a JoC adoptee narrative, live performances by JoC musicians, kids activities facilitated by JoC-led organizations, and a presentation of findings from the Shades of Belonging study.

Date Posted

September 2024


Jews of Color Initiative