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Philanthropy can serve as a catalyst to inspire people and organizations to take specific actions. It is simultaneously a tool of support, of partnerships, of empowerment, and even of accountability. When implemented with intentionality—such as by building in racial equity and justice goals, objectives, and consequences when we fall short—philanthropy can energize an ecosystem and an entire community.
In their study, Rose Espinola will collect oral histories about traditions and spirituality among Jews of Color during pregnancy, birth, abortion, pregnancy loss, and post-partum. “As a data scientist, I love oral history,” Espinola said. “I know that data comes in many forms and that qualitative data is really rich.”
In this poignant op-ed, Tova Harris, alumnus of the Jews of Color Initiative's Leadership Fellowship, reflects on the othering they experienced growing up as a Jew of Color and how, among community, they are reclaiming their unique identity as their own.
The entire team at the Jews of Color Initiative is proud to announce that our wonderful Senior Program Officer, Gabi Kuhn, has been selected for class 7 of the Wexner Foundation's Wexner Field Fellowship!
Having spent her life in the Bay Area, Kaufman is uniquely positioned to speak to the Beyond the Count data from a local perspective. This local lens is indispensable when considering community need and leadership opportunities. Following a presentation of the Beyond the Count findings, JoCI hosted a roundtable lunch for Jewish leaders of Color in the Bay Area.
This article explores what thought leaders and research participants who are Jews of Color think about the uses and limitations for employing this term.
Have a project focused on Jews of Color? Learn about our grantmaking and follow this guide on how to submit a grant application to the JoCI
This report uses survey and interview data of a complex fabric of JoC identities, lived experiences, and perspectives. In the context of the national conversation about race in the United States, this study enhances American Jews’ understanding of their own racial and ethnic diversity and provides an opportunity to reflect on how systems of inequality are perpetuated in our own community.

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