Shared Identity

Mosaic Visions

Along with year-long programming, a staple of Mosaic Visions is a virtual, international arts festival, the Spirit of Humanity (Ein Sof) Festival.

The Jews of Color Mishpacha Project

The Jews of Color Mishpacha Project is hosting their fourth annual JoC Shabbaton for intergenerational Jewish learning and celebration for JoC, their families, and allies.

Edot Midwest

The ultimate goal of this initiative is to significantly expand the influence and participation of JoC in shaping the future of Jewish life in the Midwest.

Sephardic Mizrahi Q Network

SMQN provides opportunities for LGBTQ+ Jews of Mizrahi and Sephardic backgrounds (including North African, Middle Eastern, Central Asian, and Latin American Jews) to build vibrant and supportive community, as well as to take ownership of their Jewish journeys through community-led experiences such Shabbat dinners and lunches.