Grants & Fundraising   /   2023-2024 Grants, Los Angeles RFP, Shared Identity
Recustom: JoC Makers Cohort

Recustom is a pioneering organization that leverages technology, art, and new media to empower individuals with accessible digital design tools for creating and sharing meaningful moments through Jewish rituals. With the guidance of a JoC facilitator, Recustom seeks to empower a cohort of 10 Los Angeles-based Jews of Color, over a 6-week period, to collaboratively create rituals for the High Holidays, fostering a transformative experience for both the participants and the broader community. Together, the participants will each build their own rituals relating to different themes such as renewal and remembrance, and create a guide to distribute the collection of created rituals to their communities and nationally.

Date Posted

September 2024


Jews of Color Initiative