Grants & Fundraising   /   2023-2024 Grants, Shared Identity
Queer Nigun Project

A Queer Nigun Project (QNP) aims to center BIJOCSM (Black, Indigenous, Jews of Color, Sephardi, Mizrahi) community within queer Jewish spaces, gathering individuals who may still experience isolation and discomfort in predominantly white Ashkenazi queer Jewish spaces, fostering connections, belonging, and healing at a complex intersection of identities. By channeling a variety of Jewish spiritual musical practices, from wordless melodies to piyyutim to potent songs of healing, QNP aims to cultivate a vibrant network of queer and multiracial Jews sharing, exploring, reclaiming, and creating musical traditions. QNP will host 3–4 Queer BIJOCSM Singing Circles, each composed of 10–15 BIJOCSM participants. Through Zoom gatherings in BIJOCSM-specific spaces, participants will engage in singing, learning, and healing within a spiritual and supportive environment. QNP will additionally build a virtual library of Jewish spiritual melodies by and for BIJOCSM community, to make a transformative impact on queer BIJOCSM empowerment and community building. 


Date Posted

May 2024


Jews of Color Initiative