Grants & Fundraising   /   2023-2024 Grants, Intergenerational RFP, Shared Identity
Jewish Food Society – Voices of the Diaspora

Jewish Food Society will build on their core work of preserving diverse family stories and recipes by hosting JoC culinary workshops on college campuses. The organization will gather stories, photos, and recipes to highlight JoC intergenerational family food traditions. These stories will be used as content to inspire young JoC students through hands-on culinary workshops on college campuses. The aim of bringing these workshops to JoC students on campuses is to address the lack of opportunities for students who identify as JoC to gather in community on college campuses. JFS will work in collaboration with existing organizations to draw in and welcome JoC using these food-centered materials. The end goal of this piece is to empower JoC students to research and share their own family stories and recipes and foster intergenerational connections.


This grant was stewarded by the JoCI Philanthropy Fellows.

Date Posted

May 2024


Jews of Color Initiative