Grants & Fundraising   /   2023-2024 Grants, Los Angeles RFP, Shared Identity
Hillel at UCLA

Jews of Color (JoC) at UCLA face a multi-dimensional challenge of belonging. Some non-white Jewish students report being fearful to reveal their Jewish identity and are seeking support to reclaim their sense of safety as they own, explore and celebrate their Jewish identity as Jews of Color. By creating a climate at Hillel that brings Jews of Color together, in the Hillel building and beyond, Hillel at UCLA is taking a crucial step toward better understanding the obstacles that limit access to Jewish life for JoC and to make data-informed shifts to lower barriers to belonging. In the 2024–2025 school year, Hillel at UCLA will support a JoC student leader who, in his fourth and final year, will lead the establishment and growth of a Jews of Color affinity group at Hillel.

Date Posted

September 2024


Jews of Color Initiative