2023-2024 Grants

Jewish Food Society – Voices of the Diaspora

Jewish Food Society will gather stories, photos, and recipes to highlight JoC intergenerational family food traditions. These stories will be used as content to inspire young JoC students through hands-on culinary workshops on college campuses.

Embrace Harlem – Shabbat Stories

Embrace Harlem is developing a youth multimedia learning program called “Shabbat Stories” that focuses on expanding understandings of Jewish identity through community storytelling.

Edot – Threads of Tradition

"Threads of Tradition" is an innovative oral history project designed to showcase the diverse narratives of Jews of Color (JoC) in the Midwest. Focused on identity, community involvement, and the experiences of being part of predominantly white Jewish and Midwestern communities, the project plans to document the stories of 20 JoC individuals spanning various ages—from youth to seniors—through intimate interviews.

Colorful Stories in Jewish History

"Colorful Stories in Jewish History" is a series of short, illustrated animated videos that explore the cultural narratives and identities of Jews of Color (JoC).

Olamim – Olamim Family School

Building on years of relationship-building with Latin Jewish families in the Bay Area, Olamim aims to formalize its Chavurah into the "Olamim Family School," offering a year-round bilingual Jewish learning experience for 8–12 Latin Jewish families with young children.

LUNAR Collective – The Intergenerational Asian Jewish Ritual Initiative

The project intends to foster intergenerational connections and preserve diverse Asian Jewish cultural identity through multimedia collaborations, with a focus on outreach to Asian Jewish elders aged 60+. The initiative plans to host 8–10 virtual and in-person Jewish learning programs and develop 5 new Asian Jewish ritual materials.


KHAZBAR cultivates an intergenerational JOCISM cohort through gatherings of artists, scholars, writers, and composer-musicians, both online and in-person, to nurture collaborative projects that will contribute to the inaugural edition of GERSHOM: A JOCISM peer-reviewed journal.