Grants & Fundraising   /   2023-2024 Grants, Intergenerational RFP, Shared Identity
PHonk!Philly – Crossing Cultures, Crafting Narratives

Guided by the Trauma-Informed Teaching Artist & Artistic Director of PHonk!Philly, Elaine Smith Holton, this grant supports the initial stage of a two-year project focused on researching the experiences and creative expressions of Black American Jewish artists. Highlighting a dynamic demographic positioned at the intersection of historically rich and diverse communities, this project will involve interviews with five Black American Jewish artists and creatives every three months, exploring their identities, artistic influences, and contributions to connecting Black and Jewish communities. Ultimately, these interviews will lead to the production of a podcast series in 2024, followed by the creation of a digital archive in 2025, housing the collected research data, with potential opportunities to showcase Black American Jewish artists’ creative works.


This grant was stewarded by the JoCI Philanthropy Fellows.

Date Posted

May 2024


Jews of Color Initiative