Grants & Fundraising   /   2023-2024 Grants, Intergenerational RFP, Shared Identity
The Braid – Cooking and Storytelling Videos

Guided by an Advisory Committee of Jews of Color, The Braid is producing five short cooking and storytelling videos featuring intergenerational pairings of Jews of Color. In each video, each pair will showcase cherished Jewish recipes alongside memories and narratives intertwined with cultural traditions and heritage. Set for release online in Fall 2024, the series aims to captivate a diverse audience, sparking interest within the Jewish community and beyond. Complementing the digital release, an in-person event in Los Angeles will invite Jews of Color to bring family-made dishes to share, enjoy performances of stories written and performed by Jews of Color, and engage in guided conversations reflecting on personal Jewish food memories. 


This grant was stewarded by the JoCI Philanthropy Fellows.

Date Posted

May 2024


Jews of Color Initiative