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New Grants: Growing the Field for JoC with Grants Focused on Research, Leadership, and Shared Identity

New Grants January 2024

As we continue our commitment to fostering vibrant communities and supporting impactful initiatives, we are thrilled to announce our most recent grant recipients. From generating new research and assessing curricular materials to hosting annual virtual and in-person gatherings centering JoC joy and creativity, these grants hold great promise for 2024. Read below to learn about these eight projects and how they will empower Jews of Color in the United States.



“Shades of Belonging: Exploring Religious Identity and Sense of Belonging Among Jewish Adoptees of Color” Research

This research project will utilize qualitative and quantitative data to gain insight on the experiences of JoC adoptees and their racialized Jewish identity formation. This research, conducted in partnership with other Jewish organizations, is designed through the lens of Critical Race Theory. The data collected from this research will work to expand our understanding of transracial adoption and racial equity. See if you are eligible to participate in this study by clicking here:


Shalom Curriculum Project: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Shalom Curriculum Project (SCP) is a new initiative at University of Wisconsin–Madison (UW) that is convening educators, families, scholars, and community members to research, prototype, and test curricular materials and teacher trainings that celebrate and center Jews of Color and Jewish diversity. They are conducting mixed-methods research to examine early childhood education materials focused on JoC and survey responses of participants primarily located in the Midwest region.



Edot Midwest

Edot Midwest is dedicated to Jews of Color in the Midwest, supporting racial and ethnic diversity within Jewish communities across the underserved region. Edot’s efforts enhance access to Jewish resources, educational opportunities, and inclusive community-building experiences for JoC. Beyond increasing accessibility, Edot empowers JoC with the tools and platforms they need to emerge as leaders and innovators in their Midwest communities. The ultimate goal of this initiative is to significantly expand the influence and participation of JoC in shaping the future of Jewish life in the Midwest.


JOC Mishpacha Project

The JOC Mishpacha Project brings individuals, communities, organizations, and Jewish institutions together in a gathering place for Jewish People of Color and our families/allies/accomplices. They are hosting their fourth annual JoC Shabbaton for intergenerational Jewish learning and celebration for JoC, their families, and allies, supported by JoCI funding.


Mosaic Visions

Mosaic Visions creates a more tolerant, just society through the arts, education, and alliance-building. Mosaic Visions promotes equity and cultural change for historically marginalized communities of color, centering the voices of Jews of Color. Along with year-long programming, a staple of Mosaic Visions is a virtual, international arts festival, the Spirit of Humanity (Ein Sof) Festival.

Sephardic Mizrahi Q Network

The Sephardic Mizrahi Q Network is providing unique—and much needed—opportunities for LGBTQ+ Jews of Mizrahi and Sephardic backgrounds (including North African, Middle Eastern, Central Asian, and Latin American Jews) to build vibrant and supportive community, as well as to take ownership of their Jewish journeys through community-led experiences such Shabbat dinners and lunches. This grant is an extension of a project supported by our New York Incubator.



Dayenu: JoC Caucus

Dayenu is building a movement of American Jews confronting the climate crisis with spiritual audacity and bold political action. This grant supports Dayenu and their JoC Caucus, investing in JoC leadership, community, and mobilization for climate solutions that are equitable, just, and rooted in Jewish values.


Camp Tawonga

Camp Tawonga cultivates an inclusive Jewish community for children and their families in the Sierra Mountains. Camp Tawonga recently established an inaugural Director of Equity, Inclusion & Justice position to manage and implement systems-level change and policies, as well as develop programming, to make Jewish camp more actively anti-racist, equitable and inclusive. JoCI funding is supporting professional development for the Director of Equity, Inclusion & Justice.


To stay in-the-know about these exciting projects and efforts, follow the hyperlinks shared above to visit each grantee’s website, and follow them on social media.

Date Posted

January 2024


Jews of Color Initiative