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Learn More about the Jews of Color Initiative and Beyond the Count


The Jews of Color Initiative’s mission is to advance racial equity in the U.S. Jewish community through grantmaking, research and field building, and community education. We invite you to click on the following links to learn more about what we do, our grantmaking and grantees, community resources, and research. You can also find stories that dive deeper into our efforts in our newsletter archives.



Based on our 2019 study, Counting Inconsistencies, we can estimate that there are at least 1 million Jews of Color in the U.S. (12-15% of the American Jewish community), yet they are underrepresented in Jewish communities and organizations. You can learn more about our first study here.

Beyond the Count: Perspectives and Lived Experiences of Jews of Color presents an intersectional account of American Jewish life by exploring the ways in which the ethnic, racial, and cultural identities of Jews of Color (JoC) influence and infuse their Jewish experiences, and provides insights to JoC experiences in Jewish settings. This study collected the largest ever dataset of self-identified JoC to date. Survey data from 1,118 respondents present a broad portrait of respondents’ demographic characteristics, backgrounds, and experiences. Sixty-one in-depth interviews provide texture and bring respondents’ own words to the forefront. For an overview of the most essential findings and lessons from Beyond the Count, read the Top 5 Teachings from Beyond the Count. You can also read CEO Ilana Kaufman’s Reflections on the Launch of Beyond the Count that share her hopes for the impact of the study.



We invite you to further engage with the Jews of Color Initiative by subscribing to Galim, our monthly newsletter. You can also become a member on our website for free to gain the ability to post on our community boards. Learn more about our current grantees, programming, opportunities and more by following us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Date Posted

March 2023


Jews of Color Initiative