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High Holy Day Resource List 2023 / 5784

High Holy Days Resource List 2023 / 5784; Image shows a jar of honey, an apple, a pomegranate, leaves and small flowers, and a bee on a light green background


September 10: Atlanta Jews of Color Council’s Kick-off Rosh Hashanah Cooking Social, in person, Sandy Springs, GA


September 13: Ammud’s San Francisco Kavanah and Shana Tova: Setting New Years Resolutions in San Francsisco with Sarah Pearl Fried


September 19: Ammud’s Los Angeles Kavanah and Shana Tova: Setting New Years Resolutions with Sarah Pearl Fried


September 15 through September 26: Lab/Shul’s High Holy Days of Awe 5784, highlighting JoC Leaders Rebecca S’manga Frank, Marques Hollie, and Kohenet Serakh (Stephanie “Steve” Guedalia)


September 19: Urban Adamah, Jewtina, and JYCA’s Sukkot Celebration for JoC Youth


September 29: New Synagogue Project, Jews of Color and Queer Space Mid-Autumn and Sukkot Potluck, Washington D.C.

Jews of Color and Queer Space Mid-Autumn and Sukkot Potluck; New Synagogue Project Sukkah, Friday September 29 at 6:30pm; Register:

October 4: Celebrate Sukkot with Jews of Color and their Families at Edlavitch DCJCC

October 5: Sukkah Dinner and workshop, JoCI’s JoC Professionals Network

Readings and More

Jewtina y Co.’s Rosh Hashanah Guide / Guía de Rosh Hashaná 

Jewtina y Co.’s Yom Kippur Guide / Guía de Yom Kipur

Jewtina y Co.’s Sukkot Guide / Guía de Sucot

Jewtina y Co.’s Simchat Torah/ Simjat Torá

Mixed Multitudes post on Synagogue Security: We All Want to Feel Safe During the High Holidays

Keshet’s JOC Program Manager Sage Cassel-Rosenberg’s video, You belong in the Jewish community. Intolerance Doesn’t.

Rabbi Sandra Lawson’s Ten Days of Awe(Some), 5784 / 2023 : A High Holiday Playlist

For Black Jews, Policing Synagogues will Never be the Solution, 2022 

Why I’m no longer avoiding synagogues as a Black Jew for the High Holidays, 2022

Sukkot, Justice and the AHUY Model, 2022

Black, Jewish and Avoiding the Synagogue on the High Holy Days, September 2017 

Being Black and Jewish during the High Holidays, September 2017 

My High Holiday Prayer: Stop Exploiting Jews of Color, September 2018 

During the Jewish High Holidays, there’s a growing awareness that not all U.S. Jews are white, September 2019 

Jews of Color: Our Blind Spot, Rosh Hashanah September 2017 

It’s Time for the Jewish Community to do Teshuva for its Treatment of Jews of Color, October 2019 

Compilation of resources and articles about Rosh Hashanah and diverse Jews from Be’Chol Lashon 

Ethiopian, Yemeni or Ashkenazi: Traditions Behind Rosh Hashanah Breads, September 2019 

Ethiopian Rosh Hashanah Blends Unique Customs, September 2017 



Want to share other JoC-centered events or resources for this list? Email

Date Posted

September 2023


Jews of Color Initiative