Since joining the JoCI Philanthropy Fellowship in May, 2023, our dedicated Fellows— Ilana Ybgi, Santy Barrera and Maya Katz-Ali— have gained extensive professional development rooted in essential learnings of the philanthropic sector, equity-based approaches to philanthropy, and the perspectives of JoC and communal leaders. As the rest of the JoCI team prepares for a bittersweet goodbye to our Fellows at the upcoming conclusion to their year-long program, we are awestruck by the accomplishments of this exceptional group of leaders.
JoCI Leadership
"I think of the work I do in our community more as being a facilitator, steward, or caretaker. I know what it feels like to be disconnected from community and I know what it feels like to be nourished by community."
Tonda Case and Arya Marvazy, our two new senior staff, have started shaping a new chapter for JoCI. We sat down with them to learn more about who they are, what their role at the Initiative is, and their vision for the future of JoCI.