Grants & Fundraising   /   2023-2024 Grants, Advancing Knowledge, Intergenerational RFP
LUNAR Collective – The Intergenerational Asian Jewish Ritual Initiative

The Intergenerational Asian Jewish Ritual Initiative aims to strengthen intergenerational connections among Asian Jews, by engaging older generations of Asian American Jews in Jewish rituals. The initiative will kick off with a research phase, inviting Asian Jewish elders to participate in one-on-one Chai Chats with Rachel to share their stories and cultural histories. The insights gathered will inform program development to better cater to the needs of older Asian Jewish adults and seniors. Addressing the exclusion often experienced by Asian American Jews in traditional Jewish spaces, the LUNAR Collective, representing diverse Asian American identities and Jewish practices, seeks to bridge the age gap within its community. The project intends to foster intergenerational connections and preserve diverse Asian Jewish cultural identity through multimedia collaborations, with a focus on outreach to Asian Jewish elders aged 60+. The initiative plans to host 8–10 virtual and in-person Jewish learning programs and develop 5 new Asian Jewish ritual materials. Additionally, the program includes ritual workshops and learning sessions for LUNAR leadership fellows, empowering them to lead Asian Jewish rituals within their respective hubs to extend the initiative’s impact.


This grant was stewarded by the JoCI Philanthropy Fellows.

Date Posted

May 2024


Jews of Color Initiative