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NYC Pro Network – September 19, 2024

Jews of Color Initiative New York Professional Network; "JoC Organizer Wisdom: Holding Space and Building Bridges Through Difference" with Leo Ferguson; Thursday, September 19, 6-8pm ET; proudly funded by UJA-Federation New York

This NYC Professional Network event will feature a session on “JoC Organizer Wisdom: Holding Space & Building Bridges Through Difference” facilitated by Leo Ferguson. Engage in a workshop on how to have productive conversations with people who hold different world views than you, and learn how to serve as leaders in challenging conversations with grace and humility, holding space for productive disagreement and mutual growth. 

This free event is open to all 21+ Jews of Color in the New York City area looking for an evening of community, education, networking, and fun! There are no requirements for your past or current professional experience — whatever stage you’re at, we’d love to have you!

Event location will be shared with confirmed registrants.

Click the button below to register now!

September 19 @ 6PM-8PM PDT
Jews of Color Initiative New York Professional Network; "JoC Organizer Wisdom: Holding Space and Building Bridges Through Difference" with Leo Ferguson; Thursday, September 19, 6-8pm ET; proudly funded by UJA-Federation New York