Fellow with Avodah’s Justice Fellowship in NYC, Chicago, & Kansas City
Applications are now open for the Avodah Justice Fellowship in Chicago, New York City, and Kansas City, a selective six-to-eight month part-time program that supports, deepens, and nourishes the work participants are already doing in their local community.
Through weekday evening programs, Sunday day-long sessions, weekend-long retreats, and 1-on-1 mentoring, Justice Fellows will gain critical insights, analysis, and networks that will ignite their growth as Jews acting impactfully in movements for social justice. Together, fellows will learn how to contribute as Jewish people to the broader justice movement and build a political home where their Judaism flourishes and integrates with their understanding of a liberated future.
Fellows develop:
A Justice Analysis: Develop a systemic analysis of the root causes and effects of economic, social, racial, environmental, and other manifestations of injustice. Trace the intersections of different faces of oppression, and of powerful historical and contemporary strategies of intervention. Through a year-end leadership project, you’ll build a tangible articulation of how you’ve advanced your analysis and work for justice.
A Jewish Learning Community: Find your people and take part in cultivating a powerful, creative, diverse Jewish community oriented by social justice. Learn together how to contribute as Jewish people to the broader justice movement. Build a political home where your Judaism flourishes and integrates with your understanding of collective liberation.
A Jewish Framework for Justice: Engage in deep learning of Jewish texts, history, rituals, and culture toward articulating throughlines between your Jewishness and your justice commitments. Locate yourself in an unbroken history of progressive Jews, as Jews, resisting oppression.
Who should apply?
The Justice Fellowship brings together a pluralistic cohort of social justice leaders working on a diverse set of local issues in a variety of ways. Our Fellows are excited to break out of the limits of their personal silos and dig into a more holistic learning approach. They seek to build power, solidarity, language, and strategy for a Jewishly-rooted movement committed to doing justice work effectively, collaboratively, and sustainably.
In short, they:
Have between 2-8 years of experience in either their professional, volunteer or personal life working on domestic social, racial, environmental, and/or economic justice issues
Have a demonstrated interest in exploring the intersection of Jewish life and social justice, and developing a deeper relationship between the two
Have an active interest in personal growth, building values-based community, and developing the power of a local Jewish network during and after the Fellowship
Are you the next Justice Fellow, or do you know someone who could be? The priority deadline in Chicago and New York is September 18th for a November ‘23 – June ‘24 program. The priority deadline in Kansas City is December 4th for a January ‘24 – June ‘24 program. For all cohorts, we will accept applications after the deadline so long as spots remain available.
You can learn more at our website, email us at apply@avodah.net, nominate the perfect candidate, or request an application to get started today!

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