Community Education & Resources   /   Essential Holiday Reading
High Holy Days Resource List 2024 | 5785

Jews of Color Initiative High Holy Days Resource List 2024 | 5785


September 26:

Holistic High Holiday Prep: Nurturing Body, Mind, Spirit, and Heart; Thursday, September 26th, 3-5:30pm ET

Holistic High Holiday Prep: Nurturing Body, Mind, Sprit, and Heart

During the month of Elul, it is traditional to blow the shofar each day in order to awaken to the magnitude of the season. In this session, we’ll explore what we’re awakening to, and then you’ll be guided through holistic preparation for the High Holidays using the Kabbalistic Four Worlds framework. Engage in activities that support realignment of body, mind, spirit, and heart for this sacred season. Through journaling, study, and discussion, immerse yourself in a journey towards a meaningful 5785.


October 5:

Sweet Return Noche de Alegria Rosh Hashanah Latin Jewish Seder October 5, 2024, 6:30pm, Melrose Los Angeles, CA; Jewtina y Co. and NuRoots

Sweet Return | Noche de Alegría: Rosh Hashanah Latin-Jewish Seder

A vibrant celebration honoring Latin Jewish culture, identity and resilience through the sweetness of alegría or joy. The evening will center around a Rosh Hashanah seder, featuring recipes from Latin America. Three Latin Jewish community members will contribute insightful, humorous perspectives on life, cultural identity, and the pursuit of happiness amidst adversity. “Noche de Alegría” aims to foster a sense of unity and optimism, welcoming the New Year with open hearts and uplifted spirits. This event is supported by Jewtina y Co. and NuRoots.

October 5:

Japanese Garden Tashlich

After enjoying a picnic kiddush lunch, Asian Jews and their loved ones will walk to the Japanese Gardens of Kenneth Hahn park. Using pebbles instead of bread (better for the birds), we will cast away the heaviness in souls into the beautiful lily ponds beneath the torii. This event is supported by LUNAR Collective and NuRoots.

Throughout October:

Kesher Pittsburgh High Holidays 5785; Open-hearted, musical & magical; Rosh Hashanah celebrations: Thursday October 3 - musical shacharit, torah service, and shofar blowing followed by community kiddush; Tashlich & Kayaking - Sunday October 6; Kol Nidrei Friday October 11; Yom Kippur Saturday October 12

Kesher Pittsburgh High Holidays

Kesher Pittsburgh will be gathering for Rosh Hashanah, Tashlich + Kayaking, Kol Nidre, and Yom Kippur in ways that are reflective, connective, musical and magical. Led by JoC, Kohenet Keshira haLev Fife, and friends, we are excited to welcome JoCSM and folks in multiracial/multiethnic/multifaith relationships, as well as queer folks and others of marginalized identities.

Seder and Ceremony Guides

Jewtina y Co.’s Rosh Hashanah Seder: Jewtina Edition / El Seder de Rosh Hashaná: Edición Jewtina 

In Generational Gratitude for Jewish Women of Color – Mikveh immersion ceremony

Jewtina y Co.’s Yom Kippur Guide / Guía de Yom Kipur

Jewtina y Co.’s Sukkot Guide / Guía de Sucot

Jewtina y Co.’s Simchat Torah/ Simjat Torá

Readings and More

Mixed Multitudes post on Synagogue Security: We All Want to Feel Safe During the High Holidays

Prayer for People, Peace and Planet, 5784, by Keshira ha Lev Fife

Keshet’s JOC Program Manager Sage Cassel-Rosenberg’s video, You belong in the Jewish community. Intolerance Doesn’t.

Rabbi Sandra Lawson’s Ten Days of Awe(Some), 5784 / 2023 : A High Holiday Playlist

For Black Jews, Policing Synagogues will Never be the Solution, 2022 

Keshet Conversations: High Holiday Safety for LGBTQ+ Jews of Color with Joshua Maxey

Keshet’s Cultivating a Culture of Belonging: Guidance for Synagogue Greeters

Why I’m no longer avoiding synagogues as a Black Jew for the High Holidays, 2022

Sukkot, Justice and the AHUY Model, 2022

Black, Jewish and Avoiding the Synagogue on the High Holy Days, September 2017 

Being Black and Jewish during the High Holidays, September 2017 

My High Holiday Prayer: Stop Exploiting Jews of Color, September 2018 

During the Jewish High Holidays, there’s a growing awareness that not all U.S. Jews are white, September 2019 

Jews of Color: Our Blind Spot, Rosh Hashanah September 2017 

It’s Time for the Jewish Community to do Teshuva for its Treatment of Jews of Color, October 2019 

Compilation of resources and articles about Rosh Hashanah and diverse Jews from Be’Chol Lashon 

Ethiopian, Yemeni or Ashkenazi: Traditions Behind Rosh Hashanah Breads, September 2019 

Ethiopian Rosh Hashanah Blends Unique Customs, September 2017 



If you have other events or resources centering Jews of Color for the High Holy Days, please submit them using this form.

Date Posted

September 2024


Jews of Color Initiative