Grants & Fundraising   /   2022-2023 Grants, Advancing Knowledge, Shared Identity
The Jewpanese Project

The Jewpanese Project explores the lived experiences and stories at the intersection of being Jewish and Japanese. This multi-phase project will culminate in an online exhibit of the project’s findings. The phase of the project that JoCI is supporting will focus on transcribing and aggregating the data from the 40 U.S. based interviews with Jewpanese individuals and families to share findings on identity, religion, immigration, access to language and culture, inclusion/exclusion from community, intergenerational trauma, celebration, and much more. A project under fiscal sponsorship of Jewish Creativity International, follow the journey on Instagram @JewpaneseProject


J. The Jewish News of Norther California; "Growing 'Jewpanese' identity comes through in new oral history project"

Read the article here.

Date Posted

May 2024


Jews of Color Initiative