Grants & Fundraising   /   2022-2023 Grants, Leadership Development, Shared Identity
Moving Traditions – JoC Empowerment Track

Moving Traditions recently launched a new national initiative for Jewish teens called Kumi (meaning “wake up” or “rise up” in Hebrew). It is a unique program in the Jewish teen and racial justice landscape in that it helps to prepare 10th, 11th and 12th graders for leadership and activism on college campuses, in social justice spaces, and wherever else their passions take them. In Spring 2023, the program had its first JoC Empowerment track as a part of its multiracial cohort. JoCI funding supported the JoC Empowerment track and the JoC staff working on the track.

Learn more about Kumi: An Anti-Oppression Teen Leadership Experience here.

Date Posted

May 2024


Jews of Color Initiative