Grants & Fundraising   /   2023-2024 Grants, Intergenerational RFP, Leadership Development
JYCA – Intergenerational Relationship Building

Jewish Youth for Community Action (JYCA) is launching an Intergenerational Relationship Building program through its JOCSM initiative, Jews Against Marginalization (JAM), to foster connections between Jewish youth of color and older JOC. The program will feature youth/elder mentorship, virtual intergenerational workshops, and in-person workshops. With a focus on social action and community change, the program aims to strengthen participants’ ties to Jewish identity, culture, and traditions while nurturing their capacity as agents of social change. Activities include one-on-one mentorship sessions, virtual workshops led by youth leaders, and in-person gatherings coordinated by youth leaders and project staff. 


This grant was stewarded by the JoCI Philanthropy Fellows.

Date Posted

May 2024


Jews of Color Initiative