Providing coaching for their executive leadership and advisory board
Standards of Practice
Developing a pilot program rooted in the Jewish practice of teshuva that mitigates racialized harm for JoCs and creates accountability and repair in their communities
Hiring a JoC consultant to revise youth, adult, and multi-generational programming to engage and empower JoC, and building an adult JoC leadership pipeline to their staff and Board
Supporting leadership developing for JoC, and providing professional development for a new JoC organizer who will lead a JoC affinity group and related programming.
Restructuring their high school teen curriculum, engaging a JoC consultant to review infrastructure, and hiring a JoC educator to staff a JoC teen leadership group and affinity space
Supporting leadership, business, and infrastructure development
Supporting JoC professionals and college students through the facilitation of a national JoC group, inclusive recruitment, and staff mentorship programming