2018-2019 Grants

Amanda Ryan

The project documented and archived stories from Latinx Jews in the United States, placed stories of Latinx Jews within theoretical frameworks, expanded scholarly research on Jews of Color, including Latinx Jews, and publicly share the research.


The goal was to organize an in-depth four to five meeting planning process for the Jews of Color Torah Academy (JOCTA). JOCTA is a container for Jews of Color to learn, grapple, and grow as individuals and as a community.

Edot HaMidwest

The project will engage Midwest Jews of Color, funders, and community organizations, beginning with three focus cities and adding additional cities in the future.

Hillel International

This program focused on Jews of Color Hillel professionals and students to strengthen experiences and relationships by offering support, as well as cohorting and networking Jews of Color in the community.


The goal was to strengthen the experience of Jews of Color in the Avodah network by offering support, as well as building cohorts and intentional networks for/of Jews of Color in the community.


Jews of Color in the Jewish Outdoor, Food, Farming, and Environmental Education (JOFEE) space were convened at the 2019 JOFEE Network Gathering to organize and collaborate specifically around shared identity and experiences as Jews of Color.

Union for Reform Judaism

through mentorship, focused professional development, and growth, as well as professional opportunities, advance the experience of the JewV’Nation Fellowship’s Alumni.