Submit to Tlaim, a JoC Cookbook!
Hi! Here to tell you all about Tlaim: The Patchwork Cookbook, a project that features recipes and experiences of Jews of Color (JoC)!
The goal of this non-profit cookbook is to promote awareness of the diversity of culture, food and experiences within the Jewish community. We are seeking submissions from self-identified JoC, and are accepting poems, art, essays, and photography alongside recipes!
Our website,, will be open for submissions and donations for the next few months. Upon selection, you will of course be credited for your work in the final cookbook, receive a small gift card, a free copy of the final product, and have input in deciding where we donate our funds.
You do NOT need to be a fancy cook to submit! Casual recipes are welcome 🙂 We simply want to know what you eat, whether it be for Shabbat or breakfast.
For more information (such as our mission statement, FAQ, and team bios), please check out our website. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, or would like to join the team, please feel free to contact us at
We can’t wait to see what you submit!

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